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After causing chaos by forcibly separating families at the U.S./Mexico border, the Trump administration continued down its path of neglect. Some families were denied asylum while others were deemed ineligible to reunite, and months later many remain in detention. NIJC staff and clients continue to share their insight and personal stories with local and national media outlets.  

Time: Parents Are Facing a Nightmare at the U.S. Border (6/14/18)

Refinery29: How To Help Migrant Parents & Children Who Are Separated At The Border (6/18/2018)

Marie Claire:  How To Help Immigrant Children Separated From Their Families at The Border (6/18/18)

Blavity: 7 Ways You Can Help Black And Brown Immigrants Being Terrorized By The Trump Administration (6/18/18)

Politico: TRUMP reverses course on IMMIGRATION -- DEMOCRATS move to keep up pressure on BORDER (6/21/18)

Chicago Tribune: 'American values are being shredded:' Families Belong Together March organizers speak out (6/26/18)

Los Angeles Times: Border Patrol stops handing over most immigrant parents for prosecution, but won't say when families will be reunified (6/25/18)

NBC5: Durbin: 66 Children Separated From Parents at Border Being Housed in Chicago (6/22/18)

Yahoo News: How to reunite 2,000 families: The government has no clue (6/27/18)

Chicago Sun-Times: EDITORIAL: Where is Trump’s plan to reunite families separated at the border? (7/3/18)

ABA Journal: Court filing says Trump administration gives families only one choice for reuniting: deportation (7/5/18)

Episcopal News Service: Episcopalians gather in public witness outside immigrant detention center (7/8/18)

Human Rights First: DHS Secretary Nielsen Meets with Immigration and Human Rights Groups for First Time, Reiterates Trump Administration’s Misinformation and Sidesteps Family Immigration Crisis (7/9/18)

The New York Times: Migrant Families Who Enter at Legal Ports Are Rarely Separated, Customs Officials Say (7/9/18)

The Washington Post: More than 50 separated children to be reunited with parents Tuesday (7/9/18)

Vice News: This family was reunited Tuesday, but dozens of young children are still waiting as Trump’s deadline passes (7/10/18)

Sierra Sun Times: U.S. Senators Harris, Merkley, Cortez Masto Introduce Bill to Reunify and Protect Immigrant Families (7/18/18)

WTTW Chicago Tonight: As Deadline Approaches, Attorneys Offer Insight on Immigrant Family Reunification (7/19/18)

The New Yorker: The Government Has Decided That Hundreds of Immigrant Parents Are Ineligible to Be Reunited with Their Kids. Who Are They? (7/26/18)

WGN Radio: National Immigrant Justice Center Associate Director Lisa Koop: Separation of migrant families is a crisis the government manufactured (7/26/18)

The Cut: Why Some Immigrant Parents Aren’t Eligible to Be Reunited With Their Children (7/27/18)

The Nation: The US Deported 468 Parents—but Kept Their Children (7/31/18)

Vice News: The Government Isn't Doing Anything to Reunite This Family It Broke Apart (8/6/18)

The Washington Post: First they separated families. Now they’re incarcerating children. (9/7/18)

The New York Times: Don’t Let Migrant Kids Rot (9/9/18)

Washington Post: Accused of MS-13 and other gang ties, separated parents struggle to get their kids back (9/10/18)

The Nation: Don’t Let the Trump Administration Indefinitely Detain Immigrant Children (9/11/18)

Bloomberg: Legal Aid Attorneys Get to Role Play in Trial Training Program (9/12/18)

Mother Jones: Trump Administration Plans to Triple Size of Tent Camp for Migrant Children (9/13/18)

The New Yorker: The Case for Reuniting “Ineligible” Families Separated at the Border (9/13/18)

The New York Times: Minor Offenses From Long Ago Are Keeping Dozens of Migrant Families Separated (9/14/18) As costs for detaining migrant children soar, Trump administration draining cash from health, education programs 9/23/18

NPR: At The Border, Some Families Still Face Separation (12/19/18)