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In March 2018, the National Immigrant Justice Center and pro bono partner Kirkland and Ellis LLP filed a class action lawsuit against Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on behalf of immigrant teenagers who were transferred on their 18th birthday from Office of Refugee Resettlement custody to ICE adult detention centers. This heinous act violates the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2013. 

Huffington Post:  ICE Is Throwing A Record Number Of 18-Year-Olds Into Adult Detention On Their Birthdays (11/1/18)

Common Dreams: 'Happy Birthday, We're Sending You to Prison': Record Number of Young Immigrants Transferred to Adult Detention Upon Turning 18 (11/1/18)

Vox: Immigrant children can be detained, prosecuted, and deported once they turn 18 (6/21/18)

Vice News: ICE Is Sending Detained Kids to Adult Jails the Second They Turn 18 (8/27/18)

The Miami New Times: ICE Handcuffs Immigrant Kids on Their 18th Birthdays, Drags Them to Jail (8/23/18)

Reveal News: ICE isn’t following its own handbook on how to deport kids (4/25/2018)