This Pride Month, the National Immigrant Justice Center, engaged with pro bono attorneys who are interested in representing an asylum case for a member of the LGBTQ+ community in immigration court.
This manual and Illinois crimes chart covers immigration consequences for Illinois crimes and provides defense attorneys with tools to zealously advocate for non-citizen clients in criminal court.
Immigrants are a part of the fabric of our community. Some of them are also survivors of crimes committed in the U.S. This is an orientation for pro bono attorneys interested in supporting the NIJC U Visa and/or VAWA pro bono program.
SIJS is a form of protection available to immigrant children who have suffered abuse, abandonment, or neglect by a parent. Participants will learn how to file these cases in different types of courts. This training was part of a pro bono clinic.
An initiative of the National Immigration Project, this is an invitation for individuals awaiting an SIJS determination to get involved in advocacy about case delays.